As you all remember my love and I went to Scarborough Fair the beginning of May. Well, I have finally gotten around to editing all of the pictures we took, and I will start posting some. I had taken that outing as an opportunity to start shooting in RAW mode, and that left me with some learning to do, but I think they turned out great.
The fair was about 90 minutes south of us, and we got a late start on the morning, so we missed the opening ceremonies, but we were there in time to see the belly dancers. If you’ve never seen them, check this out. My love always likes to see them, so I went along for the show. She is always impressed by what they do, and loves the costumes. The colors are always so bright, and with the perfect weather we had everything turned out so vibrant.

They brought out the scimitars for one number at the end of their performance, and with me being a sword collector, I always like this part. Plus, they do some amazing things with the when they dance with the scimitar. This YouTube video is a sample of that dance.

It was a great adventure, and there are more pictures to come over the next few posts. Stay tuned for more.