Requiescat in Pace

Eric Leuthardt Photography Romeo Photo

Today we break from our regularly scheduled program for this important message.  I alluded to the long day I had on Sunday and our trip to the vet yesterday.  All of that leads us to tonight.  Our cat, Romeo, has been diabetic for some time now and has been the cause of great concern this weekend.  Tonight we had to make the dreaded decision we all fear.  He has been M’s for many years, but has only been in my life for the last 6.  In that time he has become a close friend and constant companion.  The decision has been made and the suffering will end… for him.  So long my friend, you will be missed.

Eric Leuthardt Photography Romeo Photo

Anima eius et animae omnium fidelium defunctorum per Dei misericordiam requiescant in pace.

1 thought on “Requiescat in Pace”

  1. Laurie in Iowa

    I so sorry that you had to make ‘the decision’. Hugs to both you and M. Romeo couldn’t have found two more loving humans.

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