Product Photography 201 – Jewelry, Glass and other Reflective items


Building on the basic concepts of product photography; this class will cover how to shoot jewelry, glassware, chrome and other highly reflective items. There will be a short lecture followed by a chance to shoot.

Product photography is probably one of the most important aspects of commercial photography. Products can be shot in many ways but if you want to have professional quality results there are some important aspects which must be followed to ensure results suitable for publication in top catalogs, brochures, and similar print media. Also, in the age of the web and on-line sales presenting products in the best possible way can be crucial in making a successful sale.

Attendees will walk away with knowledge on what is needed to set up a product shoot from materials to approximate costs. In addition, each attendee will have time at the end of class to shoot on a few different backdrops and stations. There will be different products at each, and you are encouraged to bring your own as well.

Supplies Needed:

  • Camera
  • Lens(es)
  • Tripod (Optional)
  • Notepad
  • Pen/Pencil
  • Your own products (Optional)

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1 thought on “Product Photography 201 – Jewelry, Glass and other Reflective items”

  1. Loretta Peet/iBeJeweled

    Hello Eric, I tried to send an email to your contact website. I am a start up jewelry designer and would like to know if you or somebody would come to my home to help me set my camera settings. I want to take clean photos for the internet only. I am having a lot of trouble and need somebody to help as soon as possible. Of course I will pay. I have a Nikon D80 and lights, light box, etc. I would really appreciate it.

    Thank You, Loretta

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