These days, as a photographer, it’s easy to spend more time managing your files and websites than you spend behind the camera. What with endless upgrades, updates, revisions, patches, security alerts, subscription management, feed management and the like, it’s a wonder that we have any time left to actually take and create photographs. Consequently, subjects such as backing up your data usually fall to the bottom of the list in terms of priorities. Then, ensuring the integrity of that data is even farther down the list of things to do. As usual, one day we get the dreaded “can’t read Drive X”, only to throw up our hands in despair.
The catch with data backup is not that it’s a boring subject (it is), but that there are a huge number of options and strategies you can pursue to achieve a desired end. What is that end precisely ? How should I go about achieving it ? What will it cost ? This class will address a few of these issues and provide you with choices to make backing up your photos easy and effective.
This class will last approximately 1 hour.