Memorial Day, T-1

Eric Leuthardt Photography  memorial day photo

I thought a little teaser was fitting given the day. Today is Memorial Day, when we honor those that have given their last full measure in the service of their country. Take a moment to reflect and enjoy the stars and stripes.

Tomorrow we start a new adventure. I will be doing as this blog was originally meant and embarking on a 365 day photo tour of my life. All photos will be taken with my phone and uploaded unedited.

2 thoughts on “Memorial Day, T-1”

  1. So excited to see you start your 365 photos. I love the idea of taking the photos with your phone and uploading unedited. Great idea!

  2. Hi Eric!

    I will be one of your loyal webwatchers. I love photography and your work is terrific! Sending my good wishes on this project of yours. Hi to Michelle. Uncle Dom is a reluctant lurker in my life as a computer nut. He is truly scared of Facebook…just like Betty White he feels it is a huge waste of time! However, one of his best friends from college is like me…we like to commect with the younger generation, etc. Bye for now…will be looking for your updates….

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